Aromatic Hillsides Park is recognized among the major tourist points of interest in Beijing

06/11/2012 10:49

  Aromatic Hillsides Park is recognized among the major tourist points of interest in Beijing. When fall arrives, natural scenery around the block turns spectacular, with fiery red-colored smoke tree leaves since the mountain side. Each year, 1000's of vacationers ride the cable cars with the park so as begin to see the hillsides in fall colors. The grand opening from the annual Red-colored Leaf Festival of Beijing happens there.More information about China Tours in

  The Park is recognized among the major tourist points of interest in Beijing. When fall arrives, natural scenery around the block turns spectacular, with fiery red-colored smoke tree and walnut tree leaves since the mountain side. Each year, 1000's of vacationers ride the cable cars with the park to be able to begin to see the hillsides in fall colors. The grand opening from the annual Red-colored Leaf Festival of Beijing happens there usually in mid-October to early Novermber.
  Various temples and scenic spots are scattered round the hill. Vacationers usually take two routes look around the whole park. The very first option is to visit across the path northward after which turn left, where you will notice Luminous Temple (Zhaomiao). Near the Vibrant Temple, Studio of Tranquil Heart, lower the road to the east, there's a obvious lake. Another route would go to the southern part. Its primary points of interest include: Peace Eco-friendly Lake, Shuangqing Rental property, Ruins of Aromatic Temple, the Jade Flower Rental property, the Ruins of Xiangshan (Aromatic Hillsides) and Incense Burners Peak.