Lake Manasarovar is one of the clearest lakes without any pollution in the world

04/03/2013 14:37

  Lake Manasarovar is one of the clearest lakes without any pollution in the world. And Hindus think it is a personification of purity, and who drinks water from the lake is believed to be cleansed of all his sins committed over even a hundred lifetimes. The water is as clean as crystal, and the glimmering water will shock you in sunshine. With it being branded as the crystal holy lake, one will always carry a sense of worship when standing beside the lake. Tourist like it in China tours.

  Manasarovar Lake lies at 4,556 m above the sea level. It is relatively round in shape with a circumference of 88 kilometers. Its depth is 90 m and its surface area is 320 square kilometers. The lake freezes in winter and melts only in spring. It is connected to nearby Lake Rakshastal by the natural Ganga Chhu channel. Manasarovar is the source of the Sutlej River which is the easternmost large tributary of the Indus. Nearby are the sources of the Brahmaputra River, the mainstream Indus River, and the Karnali River which is an important tributary of the Ganges River, so this region is the hydrographic nexus of the Himalaya.
  Lake Manasarovar's name in Tibetan, Maphamyum, means "undefeatable" in Tibetan. According to legend, the lake earned the name in the 11th century AD when there was a holy battle here between the Gegulpa Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and rival cults. There are a collection of eight monasteries around the lake. Chiu Monastery, about 8km from the main highway, sits on a small hill. Climb to the roof for the best views of the lake.